
the girl with no face prt one.

So I wrote this story...I guess it has lessons in it, but it definitely inspired the fashion post that will be posted later. For now here is the story. *Disclaimer* this isn't exactly about me.

The Girl with no Face.    
Often in life we forget who we are, who matters to us, our values, our morals and our beliefs. Often in life we forget what we are existing for and our purpose. Often in life we forget to feel. Feel the rain, feel emotions, feel the warmth of someone saying hello and feel ourselves. I knew a girl that was stuck in this stage, continually cycling through it, not even trying to escape it. What had happened to this girl you ask? Well let me share it with you.
There once was a girl with no face. No face you say? How can that be? Everyone has a face. She did once have a face, a face of happiness, a face that always smiled, a face that looked into the future and a face that believed. She had a face of complete bliss. But one day she fell and her face was snatched away from her.

Wait, I don’t understand, how was her face taken from her? You might ask.

People. People took it. You see the face of happiness, the face that always smiled, the face that looked into the future and the face that believed was ripped right off. One by one, each of these traits disappeared because this girl made one mistake and apparently a mistake that could not be forgiven. The people that once called her name and loved her suddenly sneered at her, judged her, hated her, called her names and laughed at her. This all continued to the point where there was nothing on her face but blankness.

She had cried all her tears dry and she had yelled all her voice away, this girl was left with nothing. And by nothing I mean she no longer had emotions, no longer had people who cared about her and no longer had happiness. She just woke up each day blankly living, going through the motions.

She must have done something really bad to deserve this, you might be thinking. But I say to you no one ever deserves to feel this way, no one ever deserves to forget their existence, no one ever deserves to lose their emotions and no one ever deserves to not feel love.

But all this changed. One simple encounter changed this.

One day while the girl was sitting in a park, a man sat beside her. This seemed to have startled the girl because ever since the incident no one ever sat beside her, or even went near her…it was almost as if she was an untouchable. The man looked at her smiled and then suddenly looked worried and pained. “Girl, what has happened to your face? Where did it go?” he asked.

Wait, so are you saying she actually did lose her face?
No. And it would appear you are missing the point of the story.

“I have a face…are you crazy?” she asked offended. Did this one question allow the girl to feel something?

“I know you have a face…but I also know something is wrong. Who snatched away your face from you? It looks like it has been scarred.” The man responded.

The girl was dumbfounded…at first through the confusion of the man sitting beside her, but also through these questions he was asking her. She spoke up and replied. “You’re right.”

Do you see what’s beginning to happen here? If not I will wait until you figure it out.

“Why are you sitting here,” the girl asked, if anything was bothering her, she wanted to know why this man accepted her.

“Why not? I saw an empty spot beside you and thought I too want to enjoy this scenery.”

And so they continued to sit there, no words, just the sounds of nature around them. And yes people did walk by whispering about her and pointing at her but the man continued to stay.

“Why do you sit here with me?” She asked, it was really bothering her.
“I noticed a girl with no face, sitting alone and, it would’ve been incredibly wrong of me to act like I didn’t notice. I will stay until you want me to go, but even then I want to be your friend,” he responded. Just like that he wanted to be her friend? But he barely knows her? Oh silly you, it runs much deeper than that.

Friend? That word alone set the bomb off, the girl burst out into tears. The eyes that were once dry, poured out an abundant flow of salted water. And then she laughed because she couldn’t believe she was crying. It would appear the girl was feeling even more now. One by one different attributes of the girls face was beginning to appear.

Suddenly, the sky started gushing out water, and as people began to run home the girl continued to sit. She looked over at the man and smiled. “Do you mind sitting in the rain with me?”

“No I don’t.” With that she looked up at the sky and felt the cool rain on her face.

“Thank you. I think I am finding my face again. I really think it’s beginning to reappear.”

So do you get it now? The girl that had no face, had no emotions, had no reasons to live, had no feelings and had no love…was able to experience this all again, thanks to one man. One person, one caring being, one human. Just by one.

Often in life we forget who we are, who matters to us, our values, our morals and our beliefs. Often in life we forget what we are existing for and our purpose. Often in life we forget to feel. Feel the rain, feel emotions, feel the warmth of someone saying hello and feel ourselves. I was a girl stuck in that stage, continually cycling through it, not even trying to escape. All it took was the love of one to save me. 
So I hope you enjoyed this little short story :)

-Dominique, 2014 © 

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